Meeting Notes from 06/07/2016

November Endorsements for State Senate

  • Should we as group endorse a candidate?
    Only consider members? (ask Patrick Valentino about membership process as Democratic club has done this)
    Interest in staying apolitical or non-partisan, while speaking to issues
    Speaking out may turn people away
  • Discuss of the rash of car and property break-ins, and approaches, e.g.
    • Improving the coverage of security cameras
    • Hiring private security and/or homeless outreach to get more eyes on the street
    • Signage to discourage keeping bags in cars
    • Collecting statistics on where breakins are occurring
  • Pit stop in neighborhood –

Next Steps for group

Event to walk the neighborhood to note street issues (Led by David Singer)
Place home-made signage where breakins are occurring if we can’t get the city to do it.

  • There’s quite a bit of new construction in the area, how can we be ready to work with them? [1]
    • Encourage them to install cameras?
    • Identify where security is posted?
  • What do we need to do to do a concerted membership drive:
    • of residents
    • of retail business
    • of commercial locations?
    • Decide what dues are, what they are for?
    • Start a project then raise funds?
    • What does the group stand for? Define
  • Invite DPH and DPW to next event
  • Invite city planning re possible Bart tunnel, Folsom BRT, Highway tear-down
  • Contact Sam Dodge re future meeting attendance

Website Updates needed

  • Producing Security Cameras recommendations for the website
  • Adding pages wrt a pending membership drive
  • Listing projects, their progress, and points of advocacy
  • Add meeting minutes
  • 311 how to use and how statistics are used
  • Links/info to construction projects in the neighborhood

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